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Visitation Waiver

Updated as of November 21, 2020

This Visitation Waiver for COVID-19 will be provided to all Splendido visitors at least 24 hours prior to scheduled appointment.

I hereby certify, represent and warrant as follows:


Within the thirty (30) days immediately preceding the Date of this Health Declaration Form, I HAVE NOT:


a. tested positive or presumptively positive with the Coronavirus or been identified as a potential carrier of the COVID-19 virus or similar communicable illness;


b. experienced any symptoms commonly associated with the Coronavirus;


c. been in any location positively designated as hazardous and/or potentially infected with the Coronavirus by a recognized health or regulatory authority;


d. been in direct contact with or the immediate vicinity of any person I knew and/or now know to be carrying the Coronavirus or has been identified as a potential carrier of the Coronavirus.


I CAN, if asked, account for all locations visited over the previous twenty one (21) days and shall provide an exhaustive list of all locations visited and modes of transportation. 


I AGREE to notify Splendido (by email to of any change in status, including diagnosis with Coronavirus and/or quarantine, within thirty (30) days either before or following my visit to Splendido.


I WILL, if asked, wear a mask (of the specifications recommended by Splendido) at all times and will take all reasonable steps that may be recommended by Splendido management and/or any relevant public authority.


I WILL consent to having my temperature taken by any representative of Splendido, and will provide any follow up information reasonably requested by Splendido.


I ACKNOWLEDGE and ACCEPT that this Declaration will be considered as my consent to Splendido to disclose, share, record and store this Declaration with any relevant authority or service provider for the purposes of ensuring the safety and security of any and all third parties that may come in contact with me prior, during, and after any visit.


In signing below, I, an individual over the age of 15 of sound mind, knowingly, voluntarily, and freely agree to the terms of this binding Declaration, and in doing so represent the truthfulness and veracity of the above answers.


Liability Waiver

I am fully aware of the risks and hazards that I may encounter in dining at Ladera Culinary Services Inc. during this pandemic. Therefore, I understand that the Splendido Taal Golf Club and Ladera Culinary Services Inc. are not liable for any risks that I may incur during or after the visit inside the Club and voluntarily assume full responsibility for any possible outcome. In signing, I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Liability Waiver Form and agree to the terms above.

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions 1-4, entrance to the Club and Restaurant will be DENIED.


In compliance with the DOT requirements under the new normal, please submit the following:

  1. Same Day Rapid Test with NEGATIVE results for all guests checking in

  2. Health Certificate with 3-day validity for all guests using clubhouse facilities

Scan QR Code for the STCC Health Declaration and Waiver

Please be advised that the above information shall only be used in relation to the Splendido COVID-19 internal protocols in accordance with the Data Privacy Act. For any concerns, you may contact


Are you experiencing any flu symptoms?

Thanks for submitting!

Splendido is strictly implementing a “NO-FACE-MASK, NO ENTRY” policy. Wear your face mask at all times while inside Splendido premises. Other safety reminders:


1. Only guests of ages 15 and above will be considered to enter Splendido premises.

2. Avoid close contact. Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms' length) from other people.

3. All visitors must pass through a misting tent for proper sanitation.

4. Guests are recommended to wear PPEs and bring their own personal hygiene packs.

5. Guests are required to bring their own face mask and wear them at ALL times, except when eating or drinking. When eating or drinking, put your face mask in a clean bag.

6. When taking the stairs, please keep your hands off the handrails.

7. Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds and sanitize with 70% alcohol solution.

8. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and throw the tissue away after use. If a tissue isn't available, cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve, not your hands.



Thank you for your cooperation.


Data Privacy Consent

The information I have given is true, correct, and complete. I understand that failure to answer any question or giving false answers can be penalized in accordance with law. I voluntarily and freely consent to the collection and sharing of the above personal information only in relation to the Splendido COVID-19 internal protocols.

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